Emergency Response


Thanks to the wonderful staff at New Frontier Animal Medical Center I get to enjoy more time with my beloved pit-bull, Mika. On the 10th of March 2015, Mika had what we would consider a freak accident. Mika had been spayed on the 6th of March and was healing just fine, but on the morning of the 10th, while I was at work, she managed to open her incision. At around 10:40 or so I arrived at the house for lunch and found her in extremely bad shape with her internal organs hanging out from the opened incision.

I immediately contacted New Frontier where Vet Tech Christina guided me on how to pick up Mika without causing any further damage to her organs; she stayed on the phone with me until I was en route. I managed to get into the car and drove as fast as possible to the clinic where the Vet Tech was already outside expecting us. Mika was quickly taken to the backroom and without hesitation the Vet Tech, Dr. Gudrun, and staff began urgent care. It was an all hands on deck moment.

As any one can imagine I was in total shock, just freaking out. The doctor was completely frank with me and gave me the worst case scenario, while trying to calm me down so I could make the best sound decision for Mika. I remember Dr. Gudrun saying “The emergency center [Veterinary Specialty Center of Tucson (VSCOT)] is all the way in Tucson and Mika is in really bad shape, I need to know what are you willing to do ASAP… I know it’s hard and it’s so much happening at once, but we need to act now if going to Tucson is something you are willing to do.” I remember responding with “I have x amount of money available right now, let’s go to Tucson.”

At the same time, a staff member was calling VSCOT getting quotes, and providing Mika’s information. Another staff member contacted the Sierra Vista Animal Control and asked if they had anyone willing to escort us there. The hospital manager, Kathryn, volunteered to drive. The doctor and staff got Mika stable and ready to transport, loaded the oxygen and other needed equipment, and within 15-20 minutes of arriving we were on our way to Tucson. The vet tech and hospital manager stayed with me the whole time; thru the operation and until Mika was moved to the recovery room. Against all odds Mika pulled through and has since completely recovered!!

All of the assistance and professional care that was given to Mika and myself throughout that day, and even after, has been, by far, the best. The gratitude and appreciation for all their effort is beyond words. Every second mattered that day, and their quick non-hesitating response made a difference between the life or death of Mika. I would highly recommend New Frontier Animal Medical Center!!

Makena Tolman